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DAO - Data Access lmbObject


DAO classes are used to unify the process of getting raw data from the persistence layer(it's on the TODO list to rename current DAO implementation into RecordSet).

DAO classes can have two methods:

  • fetch() that returns Iterator
  • fetchById($id) that returns DataSpace. This method is used in lmbDataMapper.

To create a DAO object you can use this code:

 $toolkit = lmbToolkit :: instance();
 $mapper = $toolkit->createDAO('ArticleDAO');

DAO class file will be automatically found with lmbFileSchema.

UML Static structure


Core DAO classes

Class nameDescription
TableGatewayDAOAllows to make requests to a db table with lmbTableGateway
QueryBasedDAOAllows to make complex select quesries.QueryBasedDAO is a decorator for lmbSelectQuery.
ServicesListDAOReturns a list of Services can be used with Limb-based project.


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limb3_2007_2/en/architecture/daos.txt · Последние изменения: 2010/11/10 10:02 (внешнее изменение)