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Limb3 Commands

Short description

Limb Commands implement a very simple interface which consists of the only perform() method. Commands are the main containers of an application specific logic.

UML Static Structure


Frequently used generic commands

Class nameDesription
lmbBaseCommandHoldes cached Request, Response and lmbToolkit objects and allows to perform other commands via performCommand() method.
lmbSetViewCommandSets current view(lmbSimpleView object) into lmbToolkit.
lmbObservableCommandAllows to register onPerform event listeners(when command is performed listeners are notified)
lmbPropertyOptionalCommandIs a child of lmbObservableCommand which notify listeners if a dataspace contains a specified property. It accepts dataspace and property name in constructor. This class is mostly used in multi-action forms. See lmbFormCommand description page for a usage example.
lmbFormCommandProcesses forms, allows to register onPerform, onInit, onValid and onNotValid listeners, validates user input and holds a dataspace with data received from user. Used jointly with lmbFormView.


Ваш комментарий. Вики-синтаксис разрешён:
 __  __  _   __  _      __   ___    ___ 
 \ \/ / | | / / | | /| / /  / _ \  / _ \
  \  /  | |/ /  | |/ |/ /  / ___/ / // /
  /_/   |___/   |__/|__/  /_/    /____/
limb3_2007_2/en/architecture/lmb_command.txt · Последние изменения: 2010/11/10 10:02 (внешнее изменение)