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Step7. Further readings

  • ACTIVE_RECORD package - CRUD tutorial simply can't give you the full idea of the capabilities of Limb3 ACTIVE_RECORD package. This section is aimed to fill this gap.
  • WACT package - WACT section should help you understand the principles of how WACT template engine works. This section is essential for anyone who would like to use WACT effectively.
  • Tutorial2. Creating e-shop with Limb3 from the scratch - in this second tutorial you will proceed to creating more complex application with Limb3. Furthermore, this tutorial gives you a lot of architectural information about Limb3. After completing this tutorial you will understand how a typical Limb3 based application ticks and will be ready to use Limb3 for the real projects.


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limb3_2007_4/en/tutorials/basic/step7.txt · Последние изменения: 2010/11/10 10:02 (внешнее изменение)