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limb_unit - console based utility for running SimpleTest based tests

General info and installation

limb_unit is a universal tool for convenient running of tests located in the file system. limb_unit is shipped with TESTS_RUNNER package available through Limb3 PEAR channel. To install it in a breeze all you need to type in console is:

$ pear channel-discover pear.limb-project.com
$ pear install limb/tests_runner-alpha 


Ваш комментарий. Вики-синтаксис разрешён:
  _   __   ___    _  __   _  __  __  __
 | | / /  / _ \  | |/_/  | |/_/ / / / /
 | |/ /  / // / _>  <   _>  <  / /_/ / 
 |___/  /____/ /_/|_|  /_/|_|  \____/
limb3_2007_2/en/packages/tests_runner/limb_unit.txt · Последние изменения: 2010/11/10 10:02 (внешнее изменение)