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lmbDispatchedRequest contains requested lmbService and Action. lmbDispatchedRequest is created in lmbRequestDispatcher and passed to lmbToolkit in lmbRequestDispatchingFilter so that other classes can use lmbDispatchedRequest for their needs.

Some filters where lmbDispatchedRequest is used:

  • lmbCommandProcessingFilter - executes a command that matches the requested lmbService and Action.
  • ServiceActionExtraFilterChainFilter - creates an extra filter chain according to the requested lmbService and Action.
  • lmbSimpleACLAccessFilter from SimpleACL package - checks if the user has access to perform requested Action.


Ваш комментарий. Вики-синтаксис разрешён:
   __ __   ___   _   __   ___    __  ___
  / // /  / _ \ | | / /  / _ \  /  |/  /
 / _  /  / ___/ | |/ /  / // / / /|_/ / 
/_//_/  /_/     |___/  /____/ /_/  /_/
limb3_2007_2/en/architecture/lmb_dispatched_request.txt · Последние изменения: 2010/11/10 10:02 (внешнее изменение)