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Rendering lists with pagers. Pagination

In most cases lists are too long to be displayed on a single page. In such cases lists are usually spllited(paginated) into many small pages.

Pager - is a bunch of links that allow visitors to jump to other pages of displayed list. Pager may come in different forms: it can be just two links «next page» and «previous page», a complete number of available pages or any other variant.

{{macro}} has number of tools to simplify the process of pagination.

Standard pagination has two tasks:

  • display a pager.
  • limit paginated list to display only a certain number of items that is corresponding to selected(or current) page of a pager.

Displaying a pager

To display a pager you can use {{macro}} tag {{pager}}.

Here is an example:

{{pager id="my_pager" items="10" total_items="$#total_items_in_list"}}
Show items: from <b>{$begin_item_number}</b> to <b>{$end_item_number}</b>
{{pager:first}}<a href="{$href}">First page </a>{{/pager:first}}
{{pager:current}}<b><a href="{$href}">{$number}</a></b>{{/pager:current}}
{{pager:number}}<a href="{$href}">{$number}</a>{{/limb:pager:number}}
{{pager:last}}<a href="{$href}">Last page</a>{{/pager:last}}
Total items: <b>{$total_items}</b>

The main pager tag is tag {{pager}} that limits pager. items attribute of {{pager}} tag sets maximum number of items that can be displayed on a single page. total_items attribute allows to set total number of items in the paginated list. {{pager}} fetches current page number from predefined PHP $_GET variable automatically.

Tag {{pager:list}} renders links to pages including current page.

Other tags used in the example above are:

Each tag creates a local available variable $href that contains an URL of corresponding page. $href value has the following form: CURRENT_URI[?|&]pager_id_pager=$page_number. Tag {{pager:number}} and {{pager:current}} also generate and fill $number variable with corresponding page number.

There are also several variables available inside {{pager}} tag:

  • {$total_items} - total number of items in paginated list,
  • {$total_pages} - total number of pages,
  • {$begin_item_number} - number of item that is starting current page,
  • {$end_item_number} - number of item that is finishing current page.

It's a common practice to create one or more pagers and include them close by lists using tag {{include}}.

Limiting paginated lists

Limiting paginated lists in non Limb3 based applications

{{pager}} tag actually creates a helper object of lmbMacroPagerHelper class at runtime that performs all pagination logic. You can always access this object right in {{macro}} template by {$this→pager_PAGER_ID} where PAGER_ID is value of id attribute of {{pager}} tag.

Here is list of method you may need:

  • setTotalItems($number) - sets a total number of items in a paginated list
  • setItemsPerPage($number) - sets a maximum number of items that can be displayed on a single page
  • getItemsPerPage() - returns a maximum number of items that can be displayed on a single page. Can be used as a limit for a paginated list.
  • prepare() - should be called after setTotalItems() or setItemsPerPage() to recalculate a pager.
  • getCurrentPageOffset() - returns a value that can be used as an offset for a paginated list (not available in 2007.4, for 2007.4 consider using getCurrentPageBeginItem())
  • getCurrentPageBeginItem() - returns a number of first item to be displayed on the current page (you need to extract 1 from this value for positive values since this value is not zero based).

Limiting paginated lists in Limb3 based applications

There is also tag {{paginate}} that can greatly simplify limitation of paginated list. {{paginate}} tag has only one condition: paginated list should be an object that supports lmbCollectionInterface interface (see Limb3 CORE package).

Let's consider the following {{macro}} template:

{{paginate iterator='$#modules' pager='my_pager'/}}
{{pager id="my_pager" items="5"}}
    {{pager:first}}<a href='{$href}'>First</a>{{/pager:first}} {{pager:prev}}<a href='{$href}'>Prev</a>{{/pager:prev}}
    {{pager:next}}<a href='{$href}'>Next</a>{{/pager:next}} {{pager:last}}<a href='{$href}'>Last</a>{{/pager:last}}
{{list using='$#modules'>
  <TABLE width="100%" BORDER="1" ALIGN="CENTER">

Note iterator attribute value of {{paginate}} tag and using attribute of {{list}} tag. They point at the same variable. pager attribute of {{paginate}} tag has the same value as id attribute of {{pager}} tag. You should also make sure that iterator is filled before {{paginate}} tag is executed. That means you need to perform pull-data operations BEFORE {{paginate}} tag.

What if I have REALLY MANY PAGES in pager?

If you have a really long list with too many pages in pager to display there are two available workarounds:

  • Use ellipses (or gaps) - in this case only certain number of pages in pager will be displayed: some at the beginning, some in the middle and some at the end of pager. Pager with ellipses looks approximately like this: 1-2-3…7-8-9-10-11…17-18-19
  • Use sections (or blocks of pages) - is this case pager will display only a small portion of pages (current section) and other blocks (section) will be collapsed. Pager with sections looks approximately like this: [1-5]6-7-8-9-10[11-15][16-19].

See tag {{pager}} description.


Tag {{pager:elipses}} is used to render ellipses. You may also need a couple of extra attributes for {{pager}} tags: * pages_in_middle * pages_in_sides.

For example:

{{pager id="pager" items="5" pages_in_middle="5" pages_in_sides="3"}}
{{pager:current}}<b><a href="{$href}">{$number}</a></b>{{/pager:current}}
{{pager:number}}<a href="{$href}">{$number}</a>{{/pager:number}}

Will produce:



Tag {{pager:section}} is used to render blocks of pages. Also pages_per_section attribute of {{pager}} tag is used.


{{pager id="pager" items="5" pages_per_section="5"}}
{{pager:section}}<a href="{$href}">[{$section_begin_number}..{$section_end_number}]</a>{{/pager:section}}
{{pager:current}}<b><a href="{$href}">{$number}</a></b>{{/pager:current}}
{{pager:number}}<a href="{$href}">{$number}</a>{{/pager:number}}

Tag {{pager:section}} also creates $section_begin_number and $section_end_number variables.

The example above will produce the following pager:


More examples


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limb3/en/packages/macro/pagination.txt · Последние изменения: 2010/11/10 10:02 (внешнее изменение)