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Rendering lists or tables

{{macro}} tags for lists rendering

Let's consider the following example:

 <table border="1">
    <th>Volume, liters</th>
    <th>Weight, kg</th>
 {{list using="$#tanks" as="$tank" counter="$number"}}
  <tr><td colspan='4'>List is empty!</td></tr>

To render a list or a table with {{macro}} you will need a group of ListTags:

  • Tag {{list}} - main tag that renders its content if a variable named by using attribute is a non empty array or Iterator. as attribute tells {{list}} tag name of the temporary variable that will contain a reference to every next element of the list. By default as attribute has $item value.
  • Tag {{list:item}} - repeats its content for every element of the list.
  • Tag {{list:empty}} - renders its content in case the list is empty.
  • Tag {{list:glue}} - used to render a portion of the template to separate elements in the list.
  • $number variable that contains row number of the list. $number variable can be changed using counter attribute for {{list}} tag.

There can be two different kinds of rendering results: for non empty lists and for empty lists:

Non empty:

TitleVolume, litersWeight, kg
1 Tank AB-102 2400 340
2 Tank AB-103 2000 300


TitleVolume, litersWeight, kg
List is empty!

Rendering multi-column lists

To render a multi-column list (for example 3 items in a row) tag {{list:glue}} is used that can render its content once per several steps. The value of step can be set by a step attribute of the {{list:glue}} tag.

For example:

{{list using="$#images"}}
    <img src='{$item.path}' border='0' /><br />{$item.title}
   {{list:glue step="3"}}</tr><tr>{{/list:glue}}

This template will output images in 3 columns.

As you may have noticed the example above will produce invalid HTML layout for lists with number of elements not evenly divisible by 3. Let's fix this by applying tag {{list:fill}}:

{{list using="$#images"}}
     <img src='{$item.path}' border='0' /><br />{$item.title}
   {{list:glue step="3"}}</tr><tr>{{/list:glue}}
 {{list:fill upto='3' items_left='$items_left'}}
  <td colspan='{$items_left}'>&nbsp;</td>

Tag {{list:fill}} outputs its contents only if list has a number of elements more than zero but up to some value that is specified by upto attribute. {{list:fill}} also fills a variable named according to items_left attribute that holds a number of items required to produce a valid layout.

You can also consider using tag {{repeat}} with {{list:fill}} to render missing items:

{{list using="$#images"}}
     <img src='{$item.path}' border='0' /><br />{$item.title}
   {{list:glue step="3"}}</tr><tr>{{/list:glue}}
 {{list:fill upto='3' items_left='$some_var'}}
   {{repeat times='{$some_var}'}}
    <img src='/images/no_image.gif' alt='sorry, no image' />

More examples


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limb3/en/packages/macro/list_tags.txt · Последние изменения: 2010/11/10 10:02 (внешнее изменение)