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How to setup WYSIWYG editor for Limb2

since version 2.3 Limb supports different WYSIWYG editors. They are:


By default HTMLArea 3.0 is used. You have no need to modify any parameters to get working HTMLArea on Limb since it bundled with Limb by default.

There is also Limb HTMLArea extension that allows you to insert links to files and images into edited text from Limb media repository.


If you want to use FCKeditor instead of HTMLAread you need to perform the following:

  1. download FCKeditor and place it in a directory, that can be accessed through web. Say PROJECT_DIR/external/FCKeditor
  2. edit setup.override.php:
define('DEFAULT_RICHEDIT', 'fckeditor'); //will use fckeditor for renderring richedit
define('FCKeditor_BasePath', '/external/FCKeditor/'); // path to editor, accessible through web
define('FCKeditor_DIR', dirname(__FILE__).'/external/FCKeditor/');//real path to FCKeditor php files for include

NOTE: there are currently no tools to work with Limb image and files repository from FCKeditor.


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limb2/en/howtos/wysiwyg.txt · Последние изменения: 2010/11/10 10:02 (внешнее изменение)