Инструменты пользователя

Инструменты сайта


Limb3 Services

Short description

lmbService - is a group of Actions, related to some domain or functional area. For example, for user authentication we can create and use Login lmbService, to work with site structure - SiteStructure lmbService, etc.

Action - is a functional unit of a Limb-based application. Action always belongs to some lmbService.

Services are the first candicates for customization in every Limb-based applications.

lmbService class accepts name, service specific properties and actions properties in constructor:

$service = new lmbService('404', 
                       array('display' => array('command' => LPKG_CORE_DIR . '/src/command/lmbSet404ErrorViewCommand')),
                       arrray('default_action' => 'display',
                              'filter' => 'simple'));

You can create lmbService object using lmbToolkit :: createService($name) method. createService($name) is supported by lmbBaseTools class.

How services are defined?

lmbBaseTools :: createService($name) delegates lmbService creation to a service factory object. lmbServiceFactory uses ini-files to load lmbService information. lmbService ini-files can be found in /settings/services/ folder of Limb-based application.

lmbService ini-files has .service.ini suffix. For example, Login.service.ini, SiteStructure.service.ini.

Here is an example of service ini-file:

command = {lmb_TEXT_PAGE_DIR}/command/lmbTextPageDisplayCommand

command = {lmb_TEXT_PAGE_DIR}/command/lmbTextPageCreateCommand
jip = true
icon = create.gif

command = {lmb_TEXT_PAGE_DIR}/command/lmbTextPageEditCommand
jip = true
icon = edit.gif

command = {lmb_TEXT_PAGE_DIR}/command/TextPageDeleteCommand
jip = true
icon = delete.gif


Ваш комментарий. Вики-синтаксис разрешён:
   __  ___  _      __     __  ____   _  __
  /  |/  / | | /| / / __ / / /_  /  | |/_/
 / /|_/ /  | |/ |/ / / // /   / /_ _>  <  
/_/  /_/   |__/|__/  \___/   /___//_/|_|
limb3_2007_3/en/architecture/lmb_service.txt · Последние изменения: 2010/11/10 10:02 (внешнее изменение)