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WACT package

WACT package is a fork of the template engine extracted from original WACT PHP framework. WACT is a completely independent package and has no dependencies with other Limb3 packages.

For Template Authors


  • Many examples of WACT usage can be found at http://projects.limb-project.com/wact.
  • You can also browse Limb3 based SHOP example application online. Look for «view Wact template» links in the right upper corner of pages.
  • Check out other example projects at http://projects.limb-project.com/ - most of them use WACT as a template engine. You can simply download projects sources and check out the templates code.


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limb3/en/packages/wact.txt · Последние изменения: 2010/11/10 10:02 (внешнее изменение)