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CRUD - basic example of Limb3 based Create-Read-Update-Delete application

The main goals of this tutorial

  • Show the basics of Limb3 framework
  • Demonstrate how to create an application with Limb3 from the scratch using WEB_APP package
  • Make a short glance at WACT template engine: main tags, expressions etc.

You can find the source code of the example at Limb3 projects section (see CRUD).

System requirements

  • OS: *nix, Windows 98/ME/2000/XP
  • Web-server: Apache 1.3+ (with mod_rewrite)
  • PHP: PHP 5.1.4+
  • DB Server: MySQL 4.1+ or SQLite

You can place your project files somewhere in your Apache DocumentRoot or you can also setup your web server with a Virtual Host:

<VirtualHost *>
  DocumentRoot /var/dev/crud/www/
  ServerName crud
  ErrorLog logs/crud-error_log
  CustomLog logs/crud-access_log common

Also make sure what Apache reads .htaccess files from your application directory. There should be something like this in Apache httpd.conf file:

 <Directory "/var/dev/">  
     Options Indexes FollowSymLinks  
     AllowOverride All  

Limb3 packages

Limb3, as framework, distributed via several packages, like, CORE, ACTIVE_RECORD, WEB_APP, DBAL etc. You can read a short tutorial about Limb3 packages.

For our example application we need WEB_APP package and all other packages WEB_APP depends on.

The simplest way is to get WEB_APP via Limb3 PEAR channel:

  #PEAR-1.5 is in alpha
  $ pear install PEAR-alpha 
  # discovering Limb3 PEAR channel
  $ pear channel-discover pear.limb-project.com
  #web_app is in alpha too
  $ pear install limb/web_app-alpha 

There are many different ways to get Limb3 source code. For example you can download the release archive of Limb3 from SourceForge.net or checkout the code from SVN - just use method you feel comfortable with.



Ваш комментарий. Вики-синтаксис разрешён:
   ___    ___   ____   ___    ___ 
  / _ )  / _ \ /_  /  / _ \  / _ \
 / _  | / // /  / /_ / , _/ / ___/
/____/ /____/  /___//_/|_| /_/
limb3/en/tutorials/basic.txt · Последние изменения: 2010/11/10 10:02 (внешнее изменение)