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Limb3 packages

Basic conceptions

The conception of package in Limb3 is very primitive. Packaging is achieved through work of special FileResolvers that try to find files in different folders. See FileResolvers documentation page for more info.

Limb3 package conception is very raw. There is no means to automate package dependency check so be carefull.

The list of installed packages can be found in PROJECT_DIR/settings/packages.ini. Here is an example of packages.ini file:

packages[] = {lmb_SHARED_PACKAGES_DIR}/common/branches/trunk/
packages[] = {lmb_SHARED_PACKAGES_DIR}/simple_acl/branches/trunk/
packages[] = {lmb_SHARED_PACKAGES_DIR}/service_node/branches/trunk/
packages[] = {lmb_LOCAL_PACKAGES_DIR}/text_page/branches/trunk/

The directory structure of a package have to match one in Limb core. Otherwise file resolvers will not be able find files in packages.

You must have setup.php file you package root directory. $PACKAGE_NAME variable have to be defined in package setup.php since Limb will define PACKAGE_NAME_DIR constant using $PACKAGE_NAME variable. Here is an example of package setup.php file:

require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/ServiceNodePackageToolkit.class.php');
$service_node_toolkit = new ServiceNodePackageToolkit();
Limb :: registerToolkit($service_node_toolkit, 'service_node_toolkit');

As the result ServiceNodePackageToolkit will be registered in Limb and lmb_SERVICE_NODE_DIR is defined. We recommend to use this constant anytime you write PHP include() and require() functions even inside you package.


Ваш комментарий. Вики-синтаксис разрешён:
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 / ,<   / /_/ / /    /  _/ /   / /   
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limb3/en/architecture/packages.txt · Последние изменения: 2010/11/10 10:02 (внешнее изменение)