
If You're New To Limb3...

General description

Limb3 is not a solid framework like Symphony, for example, it's rather a library which consists of the set of relatively independent packages, each designed to solve some specific problem.

Limb3 must be installed in the folder accessible within get_include_path(). You can either edit your php.ini file or change the include_path right in some setup file of the project:

set_include_path('path/to/limb/installation' . PATH_SEPARATOR . get_include_path());

'path/to/limb/installation' should point to the folder where Limb is located, but not the folder with Limb3 packages itself, e.g. /var/dev/lib/ instead of /var/dev/lib/limb/.

Download Limb3

Probably the easiest way to download the Limb3 library is to grab the bundle release of all packages from Limb3 SourceForge releases section. The downside of this approach is that bundle releases are made not very often(once in a month or two).

The other way is to download specific packages via Limb3 PEAR channel. Using the channel you can get the latest releases without having to wait for the next SourceForge bundled release.

If you're a 'bleeding edge' fan you can grab packages from nightly builds server or directly from Subversion repository. See section Where and how to download Limb3 for more details.

Tutorials for the beginners

To become familiar with Limb3 it makes sense to read the following step-by-step tutorials:

The basic example can also be found it the limb/web_app/examples/crud folder. Also there is an empty «template» project for a Limb3-based project in the same folder.

Other examples are found in the SVN repository (nowhere else so far):

  svn co https://svn.limb-project.com/limb/3.x/examples

Checking out sources from the above address you'll get:

Examples of WACT templating system usage are in the limb/wact/examples folder.


Limb3 English documentation is gradually getting updated to the level of Russian documentation. The most exact sections are those describing: WACT и ACTIVE_RECORD usage. These sections are recommended to read after studying the basic example.

There also is the documentation for most of the packages of Limb3. These sections have some information partially, or sometimes very much, outdated. We are improving this situation, but it takes a lot of time, so it isn't progressing very quickly. So if anything seems unclear to you, feel free to ask at theforum - we always try to answer all the questions on-the-fly and comprehensively.

We're also looking for volunteers ready to improve English documentation. Original authors of Limb3 are Russian speakers, so if any part of documentation sounds unnatural or simply bad please don't hesitate fixing it. It's a wiki after all, where everyone can contribute.

Unit tests

Most of the classes and subsystems of Limb3 are covered with unit tests. Those developers who can read the tests will find a lot of examples of usage of classes there. See corresponding section to learn more about the unit tests and the ways to run them.

Variants of Limb3 usage

You could use Limb3 as a complete framework, building applications on its base or just use single packages, e.g.:

If you're stuck

Don't hesitate to ask your questions at the forum. If you prefer mailing lists to forums you can try one of the Limb3 mailing list: limb-dev or limb-usage. We always try to be responsive and helpful regardless you ask for feedback at the forum or mailing list.