
Limb CodeBits

Примеры использования Limb

Простейшее CRUD-приложение

Электронный магазин

Shows many architectural aspects of Limb3: filter chain, toolkit, session handling, controllers, commands, etc.

{{macro}} template engine usage examples

Old limb-project.com site source

Limb3 Based Applications

limb_unit - advanced SimpleTest tests runner utility


limb_unit is similar in some ways to phpunit utility from PHPUnit library, yet more powerful we believe.

The main features of limb_unit are:

Полезные ссылки:

taskman - утилита для запуска связанных задач

Пакет является аналогом ant, pake, etc и предназначен для выполнения абстрактных “задач”, с учетом их взаимосвязей.

Syncman - painless remote projects synchronization utility

:!: Совместимость с Limb2010.1 не гарантируется

Syncman is an application which simplifies projects remote deployment and synchronization by providing both nice web UI(great for managers and other non-technical personnel) and basic shell interface.


Buildman - simplistic Continuous Integration tool

:!: Совместимость с Limb2010.1 не гарантируется

Buildman is a simple tool which helps to easily establish a Continuous Integration process for your applications.


Both applications are in alpha state and there are no file releases yet. You can download the source code for both applications only via svn. However we have been using these applications for quite some time and they proved to be quite useful and stable.